One Asset. One Identity

The key to the Open platform. We create one identity for each asset. This is the foundation for all our products and enables the asset finance industry to have one global view of an asset.

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Simple creation

Create an asset identity with commonly known properties of the asset

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Duplicate matching

Stay safe in the knowledge Open Assets monitors for duplicates and automatically resolves issues

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Globally unique

Each asset is given a globally unique identifier across all parties

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Easy to get started

Use the simple APIs to create, get and search for asset an assets identity

One common view

Use Open Asset ID to simplify your understanding of any asset

Open Assets ensures every asset is uniquely identifiable. Regardless of the organisation, a full 360 understanding of the asset can be created and used by all. From manufacture to disposal, ensure you are talking about the same asset when working with any provider and reduce unnecessary uncertainty.

  • Registration
  • Valuation
  • Inspections
  • Onboarding
  • Monitoring

Smart Create

Create an asset in seconds

Providing both data quality and speed, Smart Create allows you to create an asset in seconds. Enter one identifier and 'Identity' automatically populate the rest of the asset details.

  • Vehicle Registration
  • Vehicle VIN
  • Trailer VIN
  • Serial Number
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Easy to search

A comprehensive search across different asset identifiers and structures.

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Components and attachments

Associate linked assets, components and parts with their own identifiers return single results.

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Works with all products

Matched with the Open Assets portfolio or Open Assets generate you gain a comprehensive overview of asset risk and mitigants.

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Easy to integrate

Link to your contract management system for easy asset registration.


Simplified asset management

Faster onboarding

  • Clear asset definition
  • Standardised processes

Reduce fraud

  • Clear ownership
  • Asset data standards

Quality data

  • Validated on creation
  • One industry wide view

Lower cost

  • Reduce ambiguity
  • Less mistakes


Simple pricing model

Pricing made simple.

Funders see Open Assets portfolio for bundle options. Brokers see Open Asset generate for bundle options

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Create one identity for an asset that can be shared across the whole asset finance industry


Create asset identity

Create asset identities using the pre-defined properties


per request

Get asset identity

With an Open Asset ID get the properties that uniquely identify and asset


per request